Itinerari a New York
Una lista per gli appassionati di architettura degli edifici, grattacieli ed architetture di New York, con indirizzi e riferimenti anagrafici. Da non perdere Central Park, la vista mozzafiato dal Top of the Rock, i numerosi musei della Grande Mela. Il resto lo inventate voi.
Stati Uniti d'America
 Itinerari a New York
Upper East Side
Central Park
Upper West Side
Hampshire House
150 Central Park South between 6th and 7th avenues
arch. Caughey & Evans, 1931 - 1937
Trump Parc
106 Central Park South near 6th Avenue
arch. Lawrence Emmons, 1930
Time Warner Center
Columbus Circle
Skidmore Owings & Merrill (David Childs), 2004
Hearst Tower
Columbus Circle
Norman Foster, 2000-2006
Museum of Modern Art MoMA
11 West 53rd Street (tra 5° e 6° Avenues)
Edward Durrell Stone and Philip Goodwin,1939 - Yoshio Taniguchi, 2004
Museum Tower
15 West 53rd Street near Fifth Avenue
arch. Cesar Pelli & Associates, 1984
Solow Building
9 West 57 Street
arch. Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (Gordon Bunshaft), 1974
Fifth Avenue
712 Fifth Avenue at 56th street
arch. Kohn Pedersen Fox, 1991
Apple Store
767 Fifth Avenue
Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, 2006
General Motors Building
767 Fifth Avenue
arch. Edward Durell Stone, Emery Roth & Sons, 1964 - 1968
Plaza Hotel
768 5th Avenue (vicino central park)
arch. Henry Janeway Hardenbergh, 1905 - 1907
Sherry-Netherland Hotel
781 Fifth Avenue at 59th Street (Grand Army Plaza)
arch. Schultze & Weaver, 1927
Louis Vuitton store facade
1 East 57th Street (corner with Fifth Avenue),
Jun Aoki, 2004
Trump Tower
725 Fifth Avenue, angolo 1 East 56th Street
arch. Swanke Hayden Connell and Partners (Der Scutt), 1983
St. Patrick's Cathedral
5th Avenue & 50th street
arch. James Renwick, Jr Charles T. Mathews, 1879
Olympic Tower
645 Fifth Ave
arch. Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, 1976
Citigroup Center
153 E 53rd St. (angolo tra 54th Street e Lexington Avenue)
arch. Hugh Stubbins & Associates Emery Roth & Sons, 1972 - 1977
21 East 57th Street
Cristian De Portzamparc, 1995 - 1999
Seagram Building
375 Park Ave, tra la 52duesima Strada e la 53tresima Strada
arch. Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe (in collaborazione con Philip Johnson) - completato nel 1958
The Brasserie Restaurant nel Seagram Building
Diller + Scofidio, 1998 - 1999
Ristorante Four Seasons nel Seagram Building
arch. Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe
Lever House
390 Park Avenue (53rd Street)
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (Gordon Bunshaft), 1952
Metlife Building
200 Park Avenue
arch. Emery Roth & Sons, Walter Gropius, Pietro Belluschi, 1963
Helmsley building
230 Park Avenue tra 45th e 46th streets
arch. Warren & Wetmore, 1929
Lipstick Building
885 Third Avenue (at 53rd Street)
Philip Johnson and John Burgee, 1986
The Morgan Library & Museum
225 Madison Avenue at 36th Street
Arch. Renzo Piano, 2000-2006
Du Mont Building
515 Madison Avenue, tra 52nd e 53rd streets
arch. James Edwin Ruthvin Carpenter, 1931
AT&T Building
560 Madison Avenue (at 56th Street)
Philip Johnson, 1984
IBM Building
590 Madison Avenue
arch. Edward Larrabee BarnesJohn M.Y. Lee, 1983
Grand Central Terminal
East 42nd Street angolo Park Avenue
arch. Reed & Stem Warren & Wetmore, 1903 - 1913
Chrysler Building
405 Lexington Ave (42nd St)
Ritz Tower
109 East 57th street at Park Avenue
arch. Emery Roth & Sons Carrère & Hastings, 1925
United Nations Secretariat
First Avenue at 42nd Street,
Wallace K. Harrison and others, 1950
Ford Foundation
320 East 43rd Street
Kevin Roche, John Dinkeloo & Associates, 1967
Bank of America Tower
1 Bryant Park a 6th Avenue (tra 42nd e 43rd streets)
arch. Cook+Fox Architects, 2004 - 2008
Empire State Building
350 5th Avenue
Shreve, Lamb & Harmon, 1931
McGraw Hill Building
1221 Sixth Avenue between 48th & 49th street
arch. Harrison, Abramovitz & Harris, 1972
Radio City Music Hall
51st St all'altezza di Sixth Ave
Rockefeller Center e il Top of the Rock RCA Building (ora GE Building
30 Rockefeller Plaza (Fifth Avenue at 49th Street)
Raymond Hood ed altri, 1932
Times Square
Times Tower
1 Times Square
arch. Eidlitz & MacKenzie, 1903 -1905
Times Square Tower
West 41st Street a Times Square
arch. Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP (David Childs), 2001 - 2003
Paramount Building
1505 Broadway, tra 43rd & 44th street (Times Square)
arch. Cornelius W. Rapp, George L. Rapp, 1926
1540 Broadway
arch. Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, 1990
W Times Square (Planet Hollywood Hotel)
1567 Broadway
arch. Frank Williams & Associates, 2001
Nuova sede del New York Times
8th Ave tra la W40th e la 4st Street, nei pressi di Times Square
Renzo Piano, 2000 - 2008 (una porzione è in fase di ultimazione)
Westin New York Times Square
270 west 43rd street at 8th avenue
Embassy Suites Times Square
1568 Broadway a Times Square
arch. Fox & Fowle Architects, 1990
Flatiron District
Flatiron Building
Broadway tra Fifth Ave e 23rd St
Daniel Burnham, 1902
Metropolitan Life North Building
11-25 Madison Avenue between 24th and 25th streets (lato Madison Square)
arch. Harvey Wiley Corbett D. Everett Waid, 1928 - 1932
Distretto di Chelsea
Soho e Lower East Side
Lower Manhattan, Wall Street e Financial District
Statua della Libertà
Brooklyn Bridge
John Augustus Roebling, ultimato nel 1883
Municipal Building
1 Centre street, at Chambers street
arch. McKim, Mead and White William Mitchell Kendall, 1913
New York Stock Exchang
11 di Wall Street, sede 18 di Broad Street, tra gli angoli di Wall Street, ed Exchange Place
Federal Hall
26 Wall Street
Ground Zero
40 Wall Street
40 Wall Street, tra William & Nassau streets
arch. H. Craig Severance & Yasuo Matsui Shreve & Lamb, 1930
60 Wall Street (J.P. Morgan Headquarters)
60 Wall street, tra Nassau and William Streets
arch. Kevin Roche, John Dinkeloo & Associates, 1989
One Liberty Plaza
1 Liberty Plaza
arch. Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (Roy Allen), 1972
1 World Financial Center
200 Liberty Street
arch. Cesar Pelli & Associates, 1985
2 World Financial Center
225 Liberty Street
arch. Cesar Pelli & Associates, 1986
3 World Financial Center
200 Vesey Street arch. Cesar Pelli & Associates
1985 - 1986
4 World Financial Center
250 Vesey Street
arch. Cesar Pelli & Associates, 1986
Barclay-Vesey Building
140 West st.
arch. Ralph Walker McKenzie Voorhees & Gmelin, 1923 - 1926
Woolworth building
233 Broadway at Barclay St
arch. Cass Gilbert, 1910 - 1913
Standard Oil Building
26 Broadway at Beaver Street
arch. Carrere & Hastings Shreeve, Lamb & Blake, 1920 - 1924
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